I love to read as the students in my class will soon find out. I want all of my students to have some time to read for pleasure, not for school or for an assignment. This is why I will be having 20 minutes of what I am calling Deep Reading.
Some days I will read aloud to my class. I will read mostly from books that I pick out that are age appropriate for the students. Some times I will read to the students from books that are suggested to me by parents or teachers and I will also let the students make a choice on books they might want to hear. Do not worry parents I will send home a newsletter every week and post on here with the title of the book we will be reading. If someone objects to the book I will not read it to the class. I want the parents to know that I will not read a book to your child that you feel they should not hear. I will also throw in a few days through out the year where I only read children's books to them (these will be fun days for the students to sit back, relax, and listen)
Mostly students will be reading to themselves during Deep Reading. I will also be reading to myself so that I set a good example for the students to follow. The students will be able to read a book, comic book, magazine, or newspaper. They will have 20 minutes of reading to themselves. The material they read will be of their own choosing, but will be school and age appropriate.
I really hope that the students see how great reading really is. I also hope that I can inspire some for my students to become life time readers.